Mile High Leg Day - Brett Wilkin, Ivana Wilkin & Martin Fitzwater
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
We are in the mile high mecca with Brett Wilkin, Ivana Wilkin and Martin Ftizwater at the world famous Armbrust Pro Gym.
We are in the mile high mecca with Brett Wilkin, Ivana Wilkin and Martin Ftizwater at the world famous Armbrust Pro Gym.
It has been the culture here to train legs on Sundays. Since Brett and Ivan moved here 2.5 years ago they have adapted their Sundays to go ape sh!t on leg training with Martin Fitzwater.
have not gone to weddings, I have not gone to parties... nothing comes between me and leg day on Sundays. The tension is very evident prior to starting leg day between everyone in this crew. The reason is because they always beat the last workout aka always overload meaning without fail that every workout beats the last. When you consistently beat the last workout, top sets get to feel like life or death consistently every single session.
Needless to say Brett Ivana and Martin successfully won the leg day prior to any super bowl festivities at Dylan Armbrust's house.
Leg day, football and camaraderie. Life is good!