The Quiet Freak - Jonathan Withers
30 August 2022
|Updated 13 November 2024
You all might have heard "the dog with the loudest bark is the most afraid," or “an empty vessel makes the loudest sound."
You all might have heard "the dog with the loudest bark is the most afraid," or “an empty vessel makes the loudest sound." With this logic, your mind immediately jumps to the conclusion that "the quiet" ones have it together mentally, can control their emotions, have a plan and are coming to get what they want.
Jonathan Withers gives this impression.
We first linked up with Jonathan after he won the overall at the NPC Ronnie Coleman Classic. He had a great overall physique but his legs were obviously in a class of their own that spark thoughts of the likes of Tom Platz, Paul Demayo Kai Greene and Branch Warren. Jonathan has since turned pro by winning the overall at the NPC Nationals and with quiet perseverance he intends to make his pro debut this year.
Here we catch up with Jonathan and training partner Lev Goldberg at Armbrust Pro Gym during a push/chest session.
Stay hungry!