Deadlift Protocol - Johnnie Jackson and Josh Bryant: Episode 1
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
This is EVERYTHING you need to know about the conventional deadlift. How to execute, equipment, cues and the mentality!
This is EVERYTHING you need to know about the conventional deadlift. How to execute, equipment, cues and the mentality! FULL PROGRAM coming at the end of the series.
So why deadlift?
If you're a powerlifter, its part of your three lift total. For physique athletes, its a great way to develop your physique. It sort of like a swiss army knife. It does a lot of things really well. The deadlift has a very simple learning curve and it forces your body to work together in concert. For example, for traditional athletes, speed is king. Speed is king on the court and on the field. One of the best ways to get faster is to improve your strength to body weight ratio in the deadlift. If you can deadlift 2.5 x your bodyweight you YOU WILL BE MORE EXPLOSIVE! - Josh Bryant MS
We are here with Johnnie Jackson with one of the best backs in the history of the sport of bodybuilding. The deadlift had a lot to do with building it.The deadlift will work pretty much every muscle in your body and it will develop your grip strength. In 2012 Johnnie Jackson pulled 832lb in the deadlift at the Raw Unity power meet. Flash forward to 2019 and after a few more notable pro bodybuilding wins including an Arnold Classic title Johnnie Jackson is back at building up his deadlift again. This time we are documenting it all and sharing the program with you to follow suite. Episode 1 in this 8 week series is crucial to your mindset and perspective on deadlift training. Watch it in its entirety.