Off Season Powerlifting with Dustin Kueck
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
Dustin Kueck has been powerlifting for 18 months and is nearing a 2000lb total which puts Dustin in the top percentile as far as powerlifting goes.
"Continually strive to beat yourself. If you do that over and over, you start to beat everyone else."
Dustin Kueck has been powerlifting for 18 months and is nearing a 2000lb total which is huge and puts Dustin in the top percentile as far as competitive powerlifting goes. Being that a 2000lb total is Dustin's next goal, the off season is just as important as on season programmed lifting for powerlifters.
Here, Josh Bryant gets Dustin away from the same movement patters of bench, squat and deadlift with this workout.
"If all you do is stay in the bench, squat and deadlift box and never do anything else, what are you going to do when real life hits? This is going to make you more resilient to injury because this training makes your stabilizer muscles stronger and exposes you to different planes of motion which eliminates more limiting factors when lifting more on your bench, squat and deadlift."
Dustin's full workout:
Sled drags: 8 sets x 50 feet
Sandbag carry: 50 ft x 4 sets
Leg curl: 4 sets x 6 reps
Bulgarian split squats 4 sets x 6 reps