Deadlift Protocol - Johnnie Jackson and Josh Bryant: Episode 4
9 April 2021
|Updated 20 November 2024
Josh Bryant programmed todays top set as 600 lb for 3 reps which as he said a month ago wouldn't budge in his baseline assessment
"Every week is getting better!" Johnnie Jackson amping up his drive, focus and energy toward this 8 week goal as evidence for the fact that "a month ago this (600lb) wouldn't even go up for one." Josh Bryant programmed todays top set as 600 lb for 3 reps which as he said a month ago wouldn't budge in his baseline assessment
A component to any worthwhile endeavor is mentality. "You got to attack, attack, attack." Johnnie really delves into his mentality with this goal after not having deadlifted in so long. Check out what he says about mentality, how he is adapting his own mental struggles here and how you can apply it to your own program.
Stay tuned!